Insights / Blog / Archiving On-premises Economics
March 12, 2020

Archiving On-premises Economics

Christophe Bertrand
Practice Director, Data Protection

Market Topics

Data Protection

GettyImages-95769788ESG recently completed a very interesting Economic Validation report for a very interesting solution from iTernity. I normally don’t blog about all the reports we do but this one got my attention.   

Our recent research on IT challenges and spending intentions for 2020 highlights that data growth, costs, skills shortages and operational efficiency are top challenges. Organizations need  solutions that allow them to retain data for compliance (sometimes for years). It’s a perfect storm: more data growth every year, the need to retain it for extended periods of time, and tighter budgets (I never hear of an unlimited IT budget!). Here’s the thing, while cloud is a great destination, archives that don’t necessarily have to reside in a public cloud can be cost-effective and operationally efficient.  

Check this recent press release from ITernity

The report is a great read!

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